Information to get you ready for after high school.
Ideas to start working on
Review your academic plan with your counselor. Make an appointment by stopping in Student Services.
Get schedules for college entrance and placement tests.
Use the free SAT and ACT prep at CFNC.org. Also, look at collegeboard.org for more information on the SAT and act.org for the ACT.
Check entrance requirements for colleges that interest you.
Attend college fairs and financial aid workshops. Check out the Student Services Calendar for dates.
Visit Colleges
Research scholarships, grants, and loans
Talk with coaches about college sports and scholarship eligibility.
Register to take SAT, ACT, and/or AP tests. Visit sat.collegeboard.org to register and check test dates for the SAT and act.org for the ACT.
Narrow down your list of colleges
Find a summer job or internship in your field of interest.
Information from CFNC.org